Software development

/Software development

What Is a Critical Success Factor? A Quick Guide

Customer Effort Score Customer effort score is a customer experience metric that measures the effort customers put into interacting with a business. Critical success factors are typically identified by top executives and business owners who take a holistic view of the company's operations and consider all aspects of the business. If you’re not performing well [...]

By |May 14th, 2022|Software development|0 Comments

Learn How To Configure Jenkins With BITBUCKET Video Tutorial

In my opinion, the only lack of skills you have with Concourse is your own knowledge of how to build pipelines and automate things. Technincally there is no lack, i would even say you can extend it way more easily. But as a Con it is more easy to interact with Jenkins if you are [...]

By |April 21st, 2022|Software development|0 Comments

Prepaid Expense: Definition And Instance

Prepaid bills in one firm's accounting data are often—but not always—unearned revenues in another firm's accounting records. Office provides provide an instance of a pay as you go expense that does not seem on another firm's books as unearned income. Under the accrual methodology of accounting, earnings is acknowledged when it's earned, and expenses are [...]

By |January 27th, 2022|Software development|0 Comments

ICP ATF ICAgile ATF Facilitation Agile Team Facilitator Certification

Tools and methods are frameworks, models, techniques, or platforms used to design and run facilitation sessions. They aid in structuring sessions, engaging participants, and achieving desired outcomes. Agile team facilitation is a key skill for anyone who works with agile teams, whether as a scrum master, a product owner, a coach, or a leader. A [...]

By |November 19th, 2021|Software development|0 Comments